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- Oracle 1Z0-071 exam tips
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Latest update Oracle 1Z0-071 exam tips
How to get high exam returns! You need to study hard, take the exam, and then successfully pass the exam to get a good job! I am an Oracle Certified Associate Analyst Exam Expert. Next, how to easily pass the exam, I will share with you! After passing the Oracle Database certification exam,
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Oracle 1Z0-071 exam details
- Vendor: Oracle
- Exam Code: 1Z0-071
- Exam Name: Oracle Database SQL
- Certification: Oracle Database
- Total Questions: 417 Q&A
- Exam Language: English

Oracle 1Z0-071 Exam process and Exam Path
Become an Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate and demonstrate understanding of fundamental SQL concepts needed to undertake any database project. Passing the exam illustrates the depth of knowledge of SQL and its use when working with the Oracle Database server. Gain a working knowledge of queries,
insert, update and delete SQL statements as well as some Data Definition Language and Data Control Language, the optimizer, tales and indexes, data modeling, and normalization. Bypassing this exam, a certified individual proves fluency in and a solid understanding of SQL language,
data modeling, and using SQL to create amd manipulate tables in an Oracle Database.

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The Oracle 1Z0-071 VCE format is easy to use and friendly on any device! (Mobile devices, pc devices, tablets)!
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Get a part of Oracle 1Z0-071 exam practice questions for free: The latest Oracle 1Z0-071 exam practice questions can help you improve your skills and chances of success. You can study the test online. If you want to pass the Oracle 1Z0-071 exam 100%, you should continue studying. We recommend using leads4pass dumps.
Free sharing of Oracle 1Z0-071 exam practice questions (1-5)
Examine this query:
Which two methods should you use to prevent prompting for a hire date value when this query is executed?
A. Replace `and1\\’ with `andand1\\’ in the query.
B. Use the DEFINE command before executing the query.
C. Use the UNDEFINE command before executing the query.
D. Execute the SET VERIFY ON command before executing the query.
E. Store the query in a script and pass the substitution value to the script when executing it.
F. Execute the SET VERIFY OFF command before executing the query.
Correct Answer: DE
Examine the SQL statement used to create the TRANSACTION table.
SQL > CREATE TABLE transaction (trn_id char(2) primary key, Start_date date DEFAULT SYSDATE, End_date date
The value \\’ A1\\’ does not exist for trn_id in this table.
Which SQL statement successfully inserts a row into the table with the default value for START_DATE?
B. INSERT INTO transaction VALUES (\\’A1\\’, DEFAULT, TO_DATE(\\’SYSDATE+10\\’))
C. INSERT INTO transaction (trn_id, end_date) VALUES (\\’A1\\’, \\’10-DEC-2014\\’)
D. INSERT INTO transaction (trn_id, start_date, end_date) VALUES (\\’A1\\’, , \\’10-DEC-2014\\’)
Correct Answer: C
Which two statements are true about dropping views? (Choose two.)
A. Data selected by a view\\’s defining query is deleted from its underlying tables when the view is dropped.
B. Read-only views cannot be dropped.
C. The creator of a view to be dropped must have the DROP ANY VIEW privilege.
D. CASCADE CONSTRAINTS must be specified when referential integrity constraints on other objects refer to primary
or unique keys in the view to be dropped.
E. Views referencing a dropped view become invalid.
Correct Answer: CD
The view must be in your own schema or you must have the DROP ANY VIEW system privilege. Specify CASCADE
CONSTRAINTS to drop all referential integrity constraints that refer to primary and unique keys in the view to be
Reference: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B12037_01/server.101/b10759/statements_9009.htm
A session\\’s NLS_DATE_FORMAT is set to DD Mon YYYY.
Which two queries return the value 1 Jan 2019?
A. SELECT TO_DATE(`2019-01-01\\’) FROM DUAL;
B. SELECT DATE `2019-01-01\\’ FROM DUAL;
C. SELECT `2019-01-01\\’ FROM DUAL;
D. SELECT TO_CHAR(`2019-01-01\\’) FROM DUAL;
E. SELECT TO_DATE(`2019-01-01\\’, `YYYY-MM-DD\\’) FROM DUAL;
Correct Answer: BE
select date\\’2015-01-10\\’ d from dual union
SELECT to_date( \\’01-01-2007\\’ , \\’DD-MM-YYYY\\’) Tarih FROM dual;
Reference: https://livesql.oracle.com/apex/livesql/file/content_BFKOA5UQHDV1MV7HRUDDUEPM4.html
View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the PRODUCT table.
Which two tasks would require subqueries? (Choose two.)
A. display all products whose PROD_MIN_PRICE is more than the average PROD_LIST_PRICE of all products, and
whose status is orderable
B. display the total number of products supplied by supplier 102 and have product status as `OBSOLETE\\’
C. display the number of products whose PROD_LIST_PRICE is more than the average PROD_LIST_PRICE.
D. display suppliers whose PROD_LIST_PRICE is less than 1000
E. display the minimum PROD_LIST_PRICE for each product status
Correct Answer: AC
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